Cannabis Tolerance Breaks

8 Tips Toward Cannabis Abstinence

To embark on a tolerance break is like stepping into a heart of madness, delving deep into the belly of a beast where the comforting embrace of THC is replaced by the gnawing emptiness of daily sobriety.

Okay…it’s not that bad.

It may seem a bit odd for a copywriter and photographer in the cannabis industry to be publishing an article about “T-Breaks”, or tolerance breaks, from cannabis; however, I think it is something to examine for a variety of reasons.

For many of us regular recreational users and/or medical patients who know precisely how many blunts must be packed or gummies eaten per day to reach our desired groove, the very thought of going a moment without the comfort of our herbal blanket comforting our soul may be more closely related to a death sentence.

But here are 5 reasons you may want to incorporate a cannabis tolerance break:

  1. Resetting Your Tolerance:

Frequent cannabis use, whether recreational or medical, can lead to a build-up of tolerance. This means the body is less responsive to the effects of THC. Taking a tolerance break allows your body to reset its sensitivity to THC which will result in more potent effects when you begin using cannabis again.

2. Help Define Patterns/Habits

Tolerance breaks help provide a clear-headed look at how you’re using your cannabis. This time away allows you to evaluate the method(s) of how you’re consuming your cannabis, how frequently you’re using cannabis, how much you’re spending on cannabis, and whether cannabis has become more of a habit as opposed to being used for medical or recreational purposes.

3. Medical Effectiveness

If you’re using cannabis for medical reasons, tolerance breaks may be beneficial for enhancing the effectiveness of your medication. By taking a break from cannabis, patients may find lower doses of cannabis become more effective in managing their symptoms.

4. Financial Considerations

Let’s face it: Weed is expensive! And if you’re blazing up on a daily or even hourly basis, you can find your cannabis costs rising out of control. Taking a tolerance break can help cannabis consumers curb their spending and adjust accordingly.

5. Dehaze and Clarity

Some people may find that frequent cannabis use may leave them hazy or find their cognitive function has become dull. Taking a tolerance break allows your mind to defog and allows you to evaluate your overall mental awareness.

If you’ve stuck with me so far and haven’t thrown your laptop across the room from anger that someone who loves cannabis would even suggest a tolerance break, let’s look at 8 tips that will help get us through this very trying time!

  1. Set Clear Goals

Define why you’re taking a tolerance break. Is it to reset your endocannabinoid system or improve your overall well-being? Whatever the reason, having a clear goal will make the time away from cannabis much easier.

2. Have a Support System

Tell your inner circle including loved ones and trust friends of your intentions. Having a strong support system that will encourage you and support your decision to take a tolerance break will make this task much easier to deal with.

3. Stay Busy

Keep yourself occupied with the same activities you do when you normally consume your cannabis while also adding new hobbies will keep your mind busy and not focused on the fact you’re taking a tolerance break.

4. Mindfulness

Using techniques such as meditation, yoga, or even certain deep breathing techniques may help you remain centered on your goal and may also help you curb any cravings for cannabis you may have.

5. Stay Nourished and Hydrated

Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat nutritious meals to support your body during your absence from cannabis. While you should be doing this regardless of your cannabis consumption, it becomes more critical during a tolerance break.

6. Explore Alternative Therapies

Willie Nelson once said, “The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”

While I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Nelson, there are other alternatives to deal with stress. Acupuncture, getting a massage, or other herbal supplements may be helpful during your tolerance break, and you may find them in your regular daily routine.

7. Stay Active

We could all use more exercise and incorporating an exercise routine into your daily activities will not only help curb your cannabis cravings, but you may also find you’re enjoying the benefits that come with daily exercise such as better cardio health, weight loss, and overall well-being. 

8. Stay Positive and Patient

Remember, tolerance breaks can be challenging, but be patient with yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Focus on the benefits of the tolerance break and why you took one to begin with.

Onward Toward the T-Break!

For those brave souls who embark on the journey of a cannabis tolerance break, following these tips will help ease the separation from your favorite plant. Although the road ahead may be challenging, following these tips will help ease any discomforts that may come up during this trying tolerance break time. Whether your intent is to give up cannabis completely or just gain a better understanding of how you use your cannabis, remember to always…


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