Kelly Ayotte Hates Cannabis

A New Hampshire Republican’s Beef with Bud

As the haze of politics begins to blanket our nation, the scent of cannabis hangs heavy in the air for New Hampshire.

Early this month in New Hampshire, the House approved HB 1633. This bill would allow 15 stores in New Hampshire to sell recreational cannabis across the state. There would be a higher tax rate, as we all know since the government is the first to get theirs, at 10% higher than medical users along with restrictions on advertising and marketing campaigns.

Without hesitation, the political piranhas swirled for an opportunity to feast upon the cannabis issue, and with election season in full swing, every candidate on both sides of the fence is going to be weighing in.

Enter in Republican candidate and former U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte.

Ayotte quoted her stance on recreational cannabis in New Hampshire by saying, “I don’t think legalizing marijuana is the right direction for our state.”

Ayotte continued, “As we think about our fentanyl crisis, I’m concerned about the impact of that. Thinking about young people and mental health, there’s been studies that have been done that show that smoking marijuana or ingesting cannabis in the young ages of teenagers and up to 25, have led to great incidence of bipolar, schizophrenia and other mental health issues.”

And it is with that statement, I must get loud.

First, to what “studies” is candidate Ayotte referring to? 

Furthermore, why didn’t she cite them? I would be highly (no pun intended) interested in reading such studies, learn who is funding those studies, and for what purpose.

Let’s not forget that Uncle Sam and the Federal Government still have cannabis listed as a Schedule I drug. The government has cocaine, methadone, oxycodone, and fentanyl as Schedule II.

Now while we all know cannabis does not deserve to be in the same category as heroin or meth, what this does do is limit the amount of funding that can be thrown towards cannabis research. It also limits what labs are certified to conduct such studies. And ultimately, hinder American civilians from using a plant that was here long before the idea of scheduling “drugs”.

So, while there are many studies being conducted, I find it hard to believe candidate Ayotte is reading any of them at any measure, except perhaps when it comes to a chance to be quoted during an election year.

I also find it a bit amusing that Ayotte links cannabis to fentanyl: a highly addictive opioid that was legally mass-prescribed by medical doctors around the United States. 

Candidate Ayotte, did you know that there are 150 deaths per day from overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl?

Want to guess how many deaths there are from cannabis consumption?

Also Ms. Ayotte, have you read the study conducted by Dr. Yasmin Hurd from the National Institutes of Health where they are using CBD, a cannabinoid in cannabis, to help curb opioid withdrawal symptoms? 

I’ve included a link for your records. I feel that for a candidate like yourself who is concerned about the opioid crisis in the United States and the mental health of our youth, this research will be beneficial.

In summary, Dr. Hurd’s clinical trial assesses CBD’s impact on two groups: individuals in recovery who are abstinent or receiving medication for opioid use disorder. The study uses CBD to track cravings in real time while examining the short and long-term effects of using CBD. 

Candidate Ayotte may also be unaware that, according to the University of New Hampshire, “7 out of 10 New Hampshire residents support legalizing marijuana for recreational use.”

Perhaps New Hampshire residents have already read the study above?

It’s bad enough to attempt to lure the masses into thinking fentanyl and cannabis should even be mentioned in the same sentence, but it almost seems as if candidate Ayotte believes she is above the will of the New Hampshire voters and may make decisions based on their own bias as opposed to the desires of those they intend to lead. 

I feel, especially during an election year, that all candidates, regardless of party affiliations, must be held accountable when it comes to cannabis legalization. 

While candidate Ayotte has an impressive conservative record and truly clones current New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu’s political policies, I feel is important to not only for New Hampshire voters to know a politician's stance on cannabis, but all cannabis consumers made aware of such beliefs.

This will make all who enjoy the benefits of cannabis, and even those who choose not to use cannabis but support other’s rights to do so, more informed when making decisions on our next leaders. 

Whoever wins the Governor’s seat, may they respect the will of the New Hampshire voters and…

Live Loud! 


“We’re All in this Together”


Freaky Raffiki